Buley Library

Buley Library


Hilton C. Buley Library serves the many academic and research needs of the Southern community. The library maintains over 200 databases and electronic collections, and houses millions of items including books, serials and serial back files, microforms, maps, government documents, rare books, video media, and more. The five floor facility is also home to computer labs, Information Technology offices, the Department of Information and Library Science, the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services, the Center for Autism, Faculty Development, the Graduate Office, library instruction classrooms, and quiet rooms available for individual or group study. More than a dozen Librarians specialize in one or more areas of study, and are available by appointment for class instruction or private consultations.

Contact Information

501 Crescent Street
New Haven, CT 06515
Contact Email E: library@southernct.libanswers.com
Phone Number P: (203) 392-5732
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